Chú thích Martinus_Beijerinck

  1. Lerner, K.L.; B.M. Lerner (2002). Martinus Willem Beijerinck from World of Microbiology and Immunology. Florence, KY: Thomas Gage Publishing. ISBN 0787665401. Beijerinck asserted that the virus was liquid, but this theory was later disproved by Wendell Stanley, who demonstrated the particulate nature of viruses. Beijerinck, nevertheless, set the stage for twentieth-century virologists to uncover the secrets of viral pathogens now known to cause a wide range of plant and animal (including human) diseases  Chú thích sử dụng tham số |coauthors= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)
  2. de Wit R, Bouvier T. (2006). “Everything is everywhere, but, the environment selects’; what did Baas Becking and Beijerinck really say?”. Environmental Microbiology 8 (4): 755–758. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2006.01017.x. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 9 năm 2008. [liên kết hỏng]
  3. Bass-Becking, Lourens G.M. (1934), Geobiologie of inleiding tot de milieukunde, The Hague, the Netherlands: W.P. Van Stockum & Zoon